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Personal Story Episodes

There are episodes where Hecate shares more about their own personal experiences with sexual assault, abuse, and trauma.
Aug. 3, 2022

Assaulted and Stalked Abroad - A Personal Story

In 2006 I was assaulted and stalked by a monk in India. In this episode I share my journal entries recording this experience and then discuss the ways this trauma has affected my life. I discuss the intersecting issues of rac...

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Jan. 21, 2022

The Assault I Don't Discuss - A Personal Story

In this episode I share my experience of anal rape, discuss the dangerous myth that boys/men/AMAB people can't control themselves, discuss consent, and talk about some of the reasons why it was so difficult for me to identify...

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Sept. 2, 2021

Coercion Isn't Consent - A Personal Story

This is a personal and raw episode where I share the story of one of my assaults. Coercion isn't consent. Two Hundred "No's" and one "Yes" is still "No". If you have a similar story, you are not alone and it wasn't your faul...

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