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Season 3

Feb. 24, 2022

Gratitude and Updates

This is the last episode of Season 3! Today I'll be taking some time to thank everyone who made this season possible, updating you about my plans and exciting new content during my break, as well as letting you know about som...

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Feb. 2, 2022

Letters for the Fire

Earlier in Season 3 I invited listeners to participate in a project called Letters for the Fire. It was an invitation for communal catharsis and healing. I invited listeners to write a letter to their rapist or abuser, and I ...

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Jan. 21, 2022

The Assault I Don't Discuss - A Personal Story

In this episode I share my experience of anal rape, discuss the dangerous myth that boys/men/AMAB people can't control themselves, discuss consent, and talk about some of the reasons why it was so difficult for me to identify...

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Jan. 5, 2022

Healing After Military Sexual Assault

Vanessa is a veteran and a survivor of sexual assault within the military. Vanessa shares her story of trauma, her feelings of shame and lack of self-worth, and her spiral into depression which nearly ended in suicide. She fo...

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Dec. 22, 2021

Cult Recovery - Healing After NXIVM

Kelly Thiel exited the notorious NXIVM cult and shares her journey with healing and deprogramming in the aftermath of indoctrination. She has taken her power back and is helping others to do the same. Kelly is an accomplished...

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Dec. 8, 2021

Thriving After Sexual Abuse

Denise Bossarte is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and now she is helping others heal. Join us for a conversation about Denise's healing journey as well as her beautiful book, "Thriving After Sexual Abuse: Break Your Bo...

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Nov. 24, 2021

Deconstructing Religious Abuse

Anna grew up in a fundamentalist Christian family as part of the Quiverfull movement. She and her six siblings were not allowed to attend school and were very isolated from the outside world. Everything about her childhood wa...

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Nov. 17, 2021

Death and Rebirth Cycles - Shedding Your Skin

We all experience Death/Rebirth Cycles in our lives, periods of profound transformation and growth. These cycles are often painful and difficult. In this episode I share something that has helped me to better keep my balance ...

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Sept. 2, 2021

Coercion Isn't Consent - A Personal Story

This is a personal and raw episode where I share the story of one of my assaults. Coercion isn't consent. Two Hundred "No's" and one "Yes" is still "No". If you have a similar story, you are not alone and it wasn't your faul...

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Aug. 12, 2021

Rise Above Your Story

Join me for a beautiful talk with Sandra Cooze. Sandra is an intuitive mentor and coach, spiritual advisor, advanced soul realignment practitioner, jewelry designer, loving wife and mother, and the author of, “Journey to Your...

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July 27, 2021

Post-Trauma Kink Shaming and Sexuality

Sage rejoins me for this episode as we laugh and cover some pretty intense subjects. We discuss post-trauma kink shaming, sex, sexuality, and physical responses. We are sexual beings and trauma can affect us all in very diffe...

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July 7, 2021

Letters for the Fire - An Invitation

Letters for the Fire is an invitation for survivors to write a letter to their rapist or abuser and send it to me. It is one of the deepest honors of my life to hold this space. I want to find more ways to help facilitate hea...

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June 23, 2021

Animal Pharmacy

Cara Elizabeth is the creator of the Animal Pharmacy Deck. Cara is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and when she couldn't find the healing tools that worked for her she created her own. . Cara Elizabeth is an artist who r...

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June 9, 2021

Healing in the Wake of Addiction

NJ Lechnir joins me to discuss his book, "Addiction, Loss and Recovery: How to Deeply Understand the Mindset of Addictive Behavior and Win the Battle". NJ shares the difficulties of growing up with an alcoholic father, his s...

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May 26, 2021

Thank You! - Season 3

Welcome to Season 3! In today's episode I thank everyone who has made Finding OK possible, I share what I got up to on my break, and let you know about some changes with the podcast moving forward. I'm back! Ramshackle Glory ...

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