Finding OK will return July 2025! Join Patreon for early access to episodes!

Just Hecate Episodes

No guest! Only Hecate!
Feb. 18, 2025

Healing is a Revolutionary Act - Addressing the Rise of Fascism

In this episode of Finding OK, Hecate returns after a year-long hiatus to provide an update on the podcast and share personal insights on intersectionality, kyriarchy, and the importance of understanding systemic oppression a...

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July 12, 2023

Personal Update - Witches, Crows, Art, and Growth

I'm back! Welcome to Season 5! Today I'll be sharing some of what I got up to over my break, letting you know what's new in Season 5, and talking about what's alive for me in my personal healing journey right now. In March my...

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Feb. 22, 2023

Gratitude and Personal Updates

This is the last episode of Season 4! Today I'll be taking some time to thank everyone who made this season possible, updating you about how I'm doing, and what I'll be getting up to over break! New episodes will resume in Ju...

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Feb. 7, 2023

Letters for the Fire

Letters for the Fire is a listener participation project. Listeners were invited to write a letter to their rapist or abuser, and I promised to read them before burning them in a ritual. The goal is to create a community oppo...

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Aug. 3, 2022

Assaulted and Stalked Abroad - A Personal Story

In 2006 I was assaulted and stalked by a monk in India. In this episode I share my journal entries recording this experience and then discuss the ways this trauma has affected my life. I discuss the intersecting issues of rac...

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July 6, 2022

This Was Slightly Less On Fire When I Left...

We're back! In this episode I'll be sharing what I've been up to on my break, what I have planned for this season of the podcast, and I'll be talking about a really rough day I had last week in the wake of Roe vs Wade being o...

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Feb. 24, 2022

Gratitude and Updates

This is the last episode of Season 3! Today I'll be taking some time to thank everyone who made this season possible, updating you about my plans and exciting new content during my break, as well as letting you know about som...

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Feb. 2, 2022

Letters for the Fire

Earlier in Season 3 I invited listeners to participate in a project called Letters for the Fire. It was an invitation for communal catharsis and healing. I invited listeners to write a letter to their rapist or abuser, and I ...

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Jan. 21, 2022

The Assault I Don't Discuss - A Personal Story

In this episode I share my experience of anal rape, discuss the dangerous myth that boys/men/AMAB people can't control themselves, discuss consent, and talk about some of the reasons why it was so difficult for me to identify...

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Nov. 17, 2021

Death and Rebirth Cycles - Shedding Your Skin

We all experience Death/Rebirth Cycles in our lives, periods of profound transformation and growth. These cycles are often painful and difficult. In this episode I share something that has helped me to better keep my balance ...

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Sept. 2, 2021

Coercion Isn't Consent - A Personal Story

This is a personal and raw episode where I share the story of one of my assaults. Coercion isn't consent. Two Hundred "No's" and one "Yes" is still "No". If you have a similar story, you are not alone and it wasn't your faul...

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July 7, 2021

Letters for the Fire - An Invitation

Letters for the Fire is an invitation for survivors to write a letter to their rapist or abuser and send it to me. It is one of the deepest honors of my life to hold this space. I want to find more ways to help facilitate hea...

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May 26, 2021

Thank You! - Season 3

Welcome to Season 3! In today's episode I thank everyone who has made Finding OK possible, I share what I got up to on my break, and let you know about some changes with the podcast moving forward. I'm back! Ramshackle Glory ...

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March 3, 2021

Taking Care of Myself - An Update

Finding OK will be finishing Season 2 at the end of this month and I will be taking a break before returning with Season 3 in late May! There are lots of new and exciting things happening with the podcast and new ways you can...

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Jan. 21, 2021

In Witch I Curse a Man on a Bus

In this episode I share a personal story of freezing during an assault and talk about forgiving ourselves for moments we weren't able to respond as we might have wished. I share a little bit about traveling in India and some ...

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